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Computer Architecture Certification Exam Tests

Computer Architecture Practice Test 57

Memory Addresses Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 57

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Memory Addresses Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 57

MCQ 281:

Both the CISC and RISC architectures have been developed to reduce the

  1. cost
  2. time delay
  3. semantic gap
  4. error
MCQ 282:

The maximum performance measurement, attainable by the implementation is

  1. ideal pipeline CPI
  2. ideal pipeline CDI
  3. ideal pipeline CDA
  4. initial pipeline CPI
MCQ 283:

Access towards an object of size a single byte at byte address A is aligned, if

  1. a mod s + 0
  2. a mod s = 1
  3. a mod s = 0
  4. a mod s - 0
MCQ 284:

Single instruction single data stream (SISD) category is the

  1. uniprocessor category
  2. dual processor category
  3. quad core category
  4. multiple processor
MCQ 285:

For measuring the ability of a computer system for handling the transactions that are consisted of access of database and updates of the benchmark used is

  1. server benchmarks
  2. desktop benchmarks
  3. synthetic benchmarks,
  4. transaction-processing (tp) benchmarks

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

Memory Addresses Learning App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Memory Addresses App (Android & iOS)

Memory Addresses App (Android & iOS)

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