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Computer Architecture Practice Test 55

Shared Memory Architectures Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 55

The Shared Memory Architectures Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Shared Memory Architectures Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 17-55 to solve Computer Architecture Practice Tests. Learn Processor Datapath and Control MCQ Questions PDF, Shared Memory Architectures Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online school courses. The Shared Memory Architectures Trivia App Download: Free educational app for shared memory architectures, floating point, disk storage and dependability, architectural design vectors, designing and evaluating an i/o system test prep for online college classes.

The Quiz: For moving string instruction from the register to the memory, the command used is; "Shared Memory Architectures" App (iOS, Android) with answers: MOVS; MOV; MOS; MVS; for online college classes. Study Processor Datapath and Control Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online computer science and engineering.

Shared Memory Architectures Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 55

MCQ 271:

For moving string instruction from the register to the memory, the command used is

  1. MOV
  2. MOVS
  3. MOS
  4. MVS
MCQ 272:

Different types of parallelism in applications like

  1. data-level parallelism
  2. task-level parallelism
  3. instruction-level parallelism
  4. all above
MCQ 273:

Private data that is used by a single-processor, then shared data are used by

  1. single processor
  2. multi-processor
  3. single tasking
  4. multi-tasking
MCQ 274:

The floating-point operation is also called

  1. exception
  2. error
  3. interrupt
  4. overflow
MCQ 275:

The average time for reading/writing the 512-byte sector for the disk rotating at 10,000 RPM when its time is 6 ms, its transfer rate is 50 MB/sec, and its controller overhead is 0.2 ms

  1. 2 ms
  2. 3.3 ms
  3. 4.7 ms
  4. 5 ms

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

Shared Memory Architectures Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Shared Memory Architectures App (Android & iOS)

Shared Memory Architectures App (Android & iOS)

Computer Architecture App (Android & iOS)

Computer Architecture App (iOS & Android)

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Operating Systems App (iOS & Android)