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Computer Architecture Practice Test 54

Pipelined Data path MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 54

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Pipelined Data path MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 54

MCQ 266:

Forget to accounting the byte addressing or the cache block-size, in processing a cache is a

  1. pitfall
  2. fallacy
  3. fully associative
  4. set associative
MCQ 267:

If an exception is raised and the succeeding instructions are executed completely, then the processor is said to have

  1. exception handling
  2. imprecise exceptions
  3. error correction
  4. none of above
MCQ 268:

The instruction being read from memory using the address placed in the PC and then it is placed in the IF/ID pipeline register in

  1. instruction fetch stage
  2. instruction decode stage
  3. execution
  4. memory access
MCQ 269:

Negating the hexadecimal expression (eca8 6420)hex will give

  1. 1357 9bdfhex
  2. 1357 9cdfhex
  3. 1467 9bdfhex
  4. 2357 9bdfhex
MCQ 270:

Predicting the branches by using runtime information at runtime is known as

  1. static branch prediction
  2. dynamic branch prediction
  3. branch prediction
  4. stall prediction

Computer Architecture Exam Prep Tests

Pipelined Data path Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Pipelined Data path App (Android & iOS)

Pipelined Data path App (Android & iOS)

Computer Architecture App (Android & iOS)

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