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Computer Architecture Practice Tests

Computer Architecture Online Tests

Introduction of Memory Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Introduction of Memory Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Introduction of Memory MCQ PDF Book) download to learn computer architecture online courses. Practice Instruction Level Parallelism Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Introduction of Memory quiz answers PDF to study online tutor courses. The Introduction of Memory MCQ App Download: Free learning app for mips fields, real faults and failures, designing and evaluating an i/o system, exploiting ilp using multiple issue test prep for online computer science engineering.

The MCQ: Number of bits in a predictor: (m,n) is; "Introduction of Memory" App Download (Free) with answers 2m * 2 * number of prediction entries selected by the branch address, (2)2 * n * number of prediction entries selected by the branch address, 2m * number of prediction entries selected by the branch address and 2m * n * number of prediction entries selected by the branch address to study online tutor courses. Study introduction of memory quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online college courses.

Introduction of Memory MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The number of bits in a predictor: (m,n) is

  1. 2m * 2 * number of prediction entries selected by the branch address
  2. (2)2 * n * number of prediction entries selected by the branch address
  3. 2m * number of prediction entries selected by the branch address
  4. 2m * n * number of prediction entries selected by the branch address

MCQ 2: The no of dies/wafer is approximately the area of wafer which is divided by the area of this die. It is estimated by

  1. (? (wafer diameter/2)2\die area) + (? x wafer diameter\(2 x die area)^1\2)
  2. (? (wafer diameter/2)2\die area)-(? x wafer diameter\(2 x die area)^1\2)
  3. (? (wafer diameter/2)2\die area)*(? x wafer diameter\(2 x die area)^1\2)
  4. (? (wafer diameter/2)2\die area)\(? x wafer diameter\(2 x die area)^1\2)

MCQ 3: When the processor gets the requested data items from the cache is known as

  1. file caches
  2. name cache
  3. cache hit
  4. registers

MCQ 4: Adding the 0.1 ms ATA controller overhead means 0.2 ms to 0.5 ms per I/O, making the maximum rate per controller

  1. 500 IOPS and 300 IOPS
  2. 5000 IOPS and 3000 IOPS
  3. 3000 IOPS and 2000 IOPS
  4. 5000 IOPS and 2000 IOPS

MCQ 5: The virtual memory stores the next segment of data to be executed on the

  1. cache
  2. ram
  3. secondary storage
  4. rom

Computer Architecture Practice Tests

Introduction of Memory Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Introduction of Memory App (Android & iOS)

Introduction of Memory App (Android & iOS)

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