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College Biology Practice Test 145

Excretion in Vertebrates Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 145

The Excretion in Vertebrates Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Excretion in Vertebrates Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 20-145 to prepare College Biology Practice Tests. Solve What is Homeostasis MCQ with answers PDF, Excretion in Vertebrates Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn free online courses. The Excretion in Vertebrates Quiz App Download: Free learning app for excretion in vertebrates, coordination in animals, cloning, differentiation, broken bones test prep for online college classes.

The Quiz: The filtration of blood takes place in; "Excretion in Vertebrates" App Download (Free) with answers: Renal hilus; Bowman's capsule; Loop of henel; Distal part; to learn free online courses. Learn What is Homeostasis Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to study online tutor courses.

Excretion in Vertebrates Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 145

MCQ 721:

The filtration of blood takes place in

  1. Bowman's capsule
  2. renal hilus
  3. loop of henel
  4. distal part
MCQ 722:

The follicle-stimulating hormone in females stimulates

  1. fat deposition
  2. secretion of oestrogen
  3. hair growth
  4. egg production
MCQ 723:

Cloning has been used for desirable animals such as

  1. race horses only
  2. prize bulls only
  3. human
  4. race horses and prize bulls
MCQ 724:

Differentiation in plants is considered to occur in plants in

  1. two stages
  2. three stages
  3. four stages
  4. five stages
MCQ 725:

The mass of the clotted blood in a broken bone is called

  1. callus
  2. hematoma
  3. humus
  4. hemorrhage

College Biology Exam Prep Tests

Excretion in Vertebrates Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Excretion in Vertebrates App (Android & iOS)

Excretion in Vertebrates App (Android & iOS)

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