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Case Study of Fox Project Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 3

The Case Study of Fox Project Trivia Questions with Answers PDF (Case Study of Fox Project Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3 to study Anthropology online course. Study Interventions in Anthropology MCQ Questions PDF, case study of fox project Test for colleges and universities exams. The Case Study of Fox Project Trivia App Download: Free learning app for development of approach, incest problem, case study of fox project test prep for online certificate programs.

The Trivia MCQ: Many Fox are organized in; "Case Study of Fox Project" App (iOS & Android) with answers: Descent family; Join family; Nuclear family; None of these; for online certificate programs. Practice interventions in anthropology questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for accelerated online degrees.

Case Study of Fox Project Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 3

MCQ 11:

Many Fox are organized in

  1. Join family
  2. Descent family
  3. Nuclear family
  4. None of these
MCQ 12:

In kinship system incest means

  1. Sexual relation
  2. Into sexual
  3. familial sex
  4. All of the above
MCQ 13:

The exogamous patrilineage tribe was usually a descent group of great depth they have 25 generations and they have lineage and lineage have divided in sub lineage which is situated in

  1. Japan
  2. China
  3. America
  4. Africa
MCQ 14:

Peru is situated in

  1. North America
  2. South America
  3. East America
  4. West America
MCQ 15:

Action anthropology, research anthropology, development anthropology of a advocacy anthropology is called

  1. Community advocacy
  2. Social group advocacy
  3. Individual advocacy
  4. None of these

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Case Study of Fox Project App (Android & iOS)

Case Study of Fox Project App (Android & iOS)

Applied Anthropology App (Android & iOS)

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