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Applied Anthropology Practice Test 8

Practitioner Roles in Anthropology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 8

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The MCQ: Program monitoring role is common in; "Practitioner Roles in Anthropology " App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Napa; Nasa; Organizations; None of these; for free online college courses. Study applied anthropology questions and answers to improve problem solving skills to study online educational courses.

Practitioner Roles in Anthropology MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 8

MCQ 36:

Program monitoring role is common in

  1. Nasa
  2. Napa
  3. Organizations
  4. None of these
MCQ 37:

Applied anthropology work in a variety of different content areas which is called

  1. Anthropology in USA
  2. Anthropology in Africa
  3. Anthropology in Japan
  4. Anthropology in China
MCQ 38:

In the kinship system the group for which the rule of exogamy always seems to operate is called

  1. Nuclear family
  2. Joint family
  3. Extended family
  4. Step family
MCQ 39:

The term in anthropology refers to the belief that the world is inhabited or animated by an impersonal force which my manifest itself both in living things and in non-living objects is called

  1. Animism
  2. Animalness
  3. Animality
  4. Fleshliness
MCQ 40:

In the Fox community the marriage system is

  1. Within the family
  2. Out of family
  3. Out of the caste
  4. In clan

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