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Applied Anthropology Practice Test 11

Federal Service Stage (1930-1945) Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 11

The Federal Service Stage (1930-1945) Trivia Questions with Answers PDF (Federal Service Stage (1930-1945) Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 11 to study Anthropology online course. Study Development of Applied Anthropology MCQ Questions PDF, federal service stage (1930-1945) Test for free online college courses. The Federal Service Stage (1930-1945) Trivia App Download: Free learning app for practitioner roles in anthropology, applied ethnology stage, incest problem, applied anthropology : what is it?, federal service stage (1930-1945) test prep to learn online university courses.

The Quiz: The applied anthropology unit was created by; "Federal Service Stage (1930-1945)" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Powell; John Collier; Kennard; Foster; to learn online university courses. Practice development of applied anthropology questions and answers to improve problem solving skills for colleges and universities exams.

Federal Service Stage (1930-1945) Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 11

MCQ 51:

The applied anthropology unit was created by

  1. John Collier
  2. Powell
  3. Kennard
  4. Foster
MCQ 52:

Anthropologists apply their knowledge in a wide variety of ways in many situations which is called?

  1. Archeologists
  2. Sociology
  3. Folkways
  4. Anthropology
MCQ 53:

In anthropology the life of a peasant peoples in urban development are called

  1. Culture of poverty
  2. Market culture
  3. Adhocracy culture
  4. Bearer culture
MCQ 54:

The BAE antedate the organization of the first academic anthropology department in

  1. Africa
  2. United states of America
  3. China
  4. Japan
MCQ 55:

Assessor is also a specialized policy research role that involve the prediction of the effects is called

  1. Data collection
  2. Program analysis
  3. Project, program or policy
  4. Field work

Mock Tests: General Knowledge Course Prep

Federal Service Stage (1930-1945) Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Federal Service Stage (1930-1945) App (Android & iOS)

Federal Service Stage (1930-1945) App (Android & iOS)

Applied Anthropology App (Android & iOS)

Applied Anthropology App (iOS & Android)

ARM Processors App (Android & iOS)

ARM Processors App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (iOS & Android)