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Charismatic Authority Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 99

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Charismatic Authority Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 99

MCQ 491:

The power of charismatic authority is accepted because

  1. Followers are drawn to the leaders personal qualities
  2. they have traditionally been the case
  3. They are so charismatic
  4. They have the power to follow
MCQ 492:

The study of the social, political, and economic relationships in cities is called

  1. Modernization
  2. Urbanization
  3. Civilization
  4. Social process
MCQ 493:

How many unmarried individuals over 18 were in the United states?

  1. 99.2 million
  2. 99.4 million
  3. 99.5 million
  4. 99.6 million
MCQ 494:

According to emergent norm perspective crowds are not viewed as

  1. Irrational
  2. Impulsive
  3. Uncontrolled
  4. All of above
MCQ 495:

The term 'impairment' describse the

  1. Physical action
  2. Physical limitation
  3. Physical disorders
  4. Physical diseases

Sociology Exam Prep Tests

Charismatic Authority Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Charismatic Authority App (Android & iOS)

Charismatic Authority App (Android & iOS)

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