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Computer Basics Practice Test 103

Word Processing Fonts Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 103

The Word Processing Fonts Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Word Processing Fonts Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 18-103 to solve Computer Basics Practice Tests. Learn Word Processing MCQ Questions PDF, Word Processing Fonts Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn computing courses online. The Word Processing Fonts Trivia App Download: Free learning app for memory instructions, random access memory (ram), minicomputers, storage devices files, word processing fonts test prep for accelerated computer science degree online.

The Quiz: In a computer, mode which replaces the existing text is; "Word Processing Fonts" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Replace; Overtype; Insert mode; Change; for accelerated computer science degree online. Study Word Processing Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online software development courses.

Word Processing Fonts Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 103

MCQ 511:

In a computer, mode which replaces the existing text is

  1. overtype
  2. replace
  3. insert mode
  4. change
MCQ 512:

Example of magnetic storage device includes

  1. flash memory drive
  2. CD-ROM drive
  3. hard disk drive
  4. optical drive
MCQ 513:

Emerging higher performance of superminis were

  1. 32-bit
  2. 16-bit
  3. 12-bit
  4. 64-bit
MCQ 514:

Component most likely used for computer static RAM technology is

  1. primary memory
  2. secondary storage
  3. cache memory
  4. CPU registers
MCQ 515:

Address of computer instruction under the processor execution is contained within a

  1. program counter
  2. current instruction register
  3. memory address register
  4. memory buffer register

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

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