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Word Processing Fonts Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 109

The Word Processing Fonts Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Word Processing Fonts Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 18-109 to prepare Computer Basics Practice Tests. Solve Word Processing MCQ with answers PDF, Word Processing Fonts Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for top computer science schools. The Word Processing Fonts Quiz App Download: Free learning app for world wide web (www), word processing commands, computer printing, word processing basics, word processing fonts test prep for computer science associate degree.

The Quiz MCQ: Font in a computer that is embellished with fine lines at the end of each character is called; "Word Processing Fonts" App Download (Free) with answers: French; Decorated; Serif; Sans-serif; for top computer science schools. Learn Word Processing Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn certification courses online.

Word Processing Fonts Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 109

MCQ 541:

Font in a computer that is embellished with fine lines at the end of each character is called

  1. decorated
  2. French
  3. Serif
  4. Sans-serif
MCQ 542:

In a computer, tool that allows you to generate form letters is called

  1. mail merge
  2. grammar ready
  3. mail ready
  4. letter writer
MCQ 543:

Speed of dot-matrix printer is measured in

  1. cps
  2. dpi
  3. ppm
  4. lmp
MCQ 544:

In a computer, redo command

  1. appears on the standard toolbar
  2. restore the last action that was undone
  3. both A and B
  4. deletes the text
MCQ 545:

The World Wide Web was introduced in

  1. 1960s
  2. mid-1970s
  3. 1989
  4. 2000

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

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