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Database Management System Certification Exam Tests
Database Management System Practice Test 111
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The Quiz: The type of clause in programming which is used to specify values that are to be retrieved from the database is classified as; "Embedded & Dynamic SQL" App (iOS, Android) with answers: ONTO clause; INTO clause; FOR clause; WHILE clause; for computer majors. Study Introduction to SQL Programming Techniques Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for master's degree in computer science.
The type of clause in programming which is used to specify values that are to be retrieved from the database is classified as
The system which schedules the inputs or outputs of the disk in database is classified as
The hierarchical models and network models are classified as
The definition of relation in which values and attributes are ordered in tuple is classified as
In Three-Schema Architecture, the schema which gives details about data types, constraints and entities is classified as
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