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Network and Internet Protocols MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 106

The Network and Internet Protocols Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Network and Internet Protocols MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 5-106 to solve Computer Basics Practice Tests. Study Computer Networks quiz answers PDF, Network and Internet Protocols Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study online training courses. The Network and Internet Protocols MCQs App Download: Free educational app for computer: memory devices, windows xp, computer memory, number systems, network and internet protocols test prep for information and communication technology.

The MCQs: Element of a computer protocol which specifies the signal level to be used and format the data which is to be send is; "Network and Internet Protocols" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Semantic; Syntax; Timing; Format; to study online training courses. Practice Computer Networks Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for computer science programs.

Network and Internet Protocols MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 106

MCQ 526:

Element of a computer protocol which specifies the signal level to be used and format the data which is to be send is

  1. syntax
  2. semantic
  3. timing
  4. format
MCQ 527:

Difference between binary coding and binary coded decimal is

  1. binary coding has a decimal format
  2. BCD has no decimal format
  3. binary coding is pure binary
  4. BCD is pure binary
MCQ 528:

BIOS contains another set of routines, which ensure that the system is functioning properly and all expected hardware devices are present, this routine is called

  1. PROM
  2. EPROM
  3. POST
MCQ 529:

You have several Windows XP installations to perform, you wish to create an answer file the easiest way to do this is to use which wizard?

  1. answer file wizard
  2. UDF wizard
  3. setup manager wizard
  4. autoinstall wizard
MCQ 530:

In computer, volatile and non-volatile are two types of

  1. memory
  2. storage device
  3. optical device
  4. floppy disk

Computer Basics Exam Prep Tests

Network and Internet Protocols Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Network and Internet Protocols App (Android & iOS)

Network and Internet Protocols App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (iOS & Android)

Digital Image Processing App (Android & iOS)

Digital Image Processing App (Android & iOS)

Computer Basics App (Android & iOS)

Computer Basics App (iOS & Android)