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Karl Marx and Conflict Theory Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Karl Marx and Conflict Theory Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF Download (Karl Marx and Conflict Theory MCQ PDF Book) to learn online sociology degree courses. Study Culture Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Karl Marx and Conflict Theory quiz answers PDF to study online classes courses. Free learning app: Karl Marx and Conflict Theory MCQ App Download & e-Book for values and beliefs, karl marx and conflict theory, cultural universals, symbols and language test prep for online degrees.

The MCQ: Marx' developed is the concept of; "Karl Marx and Conflict Theory" App Download (Free) with answers true consciousness, false consciousness, class consciousness and class consciousness to study online classes courses. Practice karl marx and conflict theory quiz questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for online schools that offer certificate programs.

Karl Marx and Conflict Theory MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: Marx' developed is the concept of

A) True consciousness
B) false consciousness
C) class consciousness
D) Class consciousness

MCQ 2: Superstructure' includes

A) Government
B) Family
C) Religion
D) All of above

MCQ 3: All the elements of the 'society structure' depends on the

A) Base
B) Economic structure
C) Societal structure
D) Values and norms

MCQ 4: Types of 'alienation'

A) Alienation from the product of one?s labor
B) Alienation from the process of one?s labor
C) Alienation from others
D) All of above

MCQ 5: Marx described 'modern society' in terms of

A) Alienation from other
B) Alienation from one?s self
C) Base and superstructure
D) Alienation

Sociology Practice Tests

Karl Marx and Conflict Theory Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Karl Marx and Conflict Theory App (Android & iOS)

Karl Marx and Conflict Theory App (Android & iOS)

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