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MBA Organizational Structure & Design Certification Exam Tests

MBA Organizational Structure & Design Practice Test 23

Selecting Strategy and Design Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 23

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The Quiz: The Miles and Snow's typology which declares risk taking as a strategy is known as; "Selecting Strategy and Design" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Reactor; Defender; Prospector; Analyzer; for online degree programs. Study Strategy, Design and Organization Effectiveness Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for bachelor degree online in 2 years.

Selecting Strategy and Design Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 23

MCQ 111:

The Miles and Snow's typology which declares risk taking as a strategy is known as

  1. Defender
  2. Reactor
  3. Prospector
  4. Analyzer
MCQ 112:

The elements in a low uncertain environment

  1. Changes slowly
  2. Changes frequently
  3. Changes unpredictably
  4. Doesn't change
MCQ 113:

Procedures and technical knowledge needed for the firm to transform its inputs to outputs is said to be

  1. Services development
  2. Infrastructure development
  3. Logistics development
  4. Technological development
MCQ 114:

Continuous learning is possible by looking at organizational design's

  1. 4 elements
  2. 5 elements
  3. 6 elements
  4. 7 elements
MCQ 115:

The boundary roles of the product organizations are said to be

  1. Moderate
  2. Alternative
  3. Many
  4. Few

MBA Organizational Structure & Design Exam Prep Tests

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