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Molecular Biology Practice Test 31

Operons: Lac and Tryptophan Operons Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 31

The Operons Lac and Tryptophan Operons Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Operons Lac and Tryptophan Operons Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 17-31 to solve Molecular Biology Practice Tests. Learn Regulation of Gene Expression MCQ Questions PDF, Operons Lac and Tryptophan Operons Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online bachelor degree programs. The Operons: Lac and Tryptophan Operons Trivia App Download: Free learning app for history, databases and applications of bioinformatics, climate changes and pollution, prostaglandins and derivatives, birth, mapping, approaches, applications and ethics of hgp, operons: lac and tryptophan operons test prep for free online courses.

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Operons: Lac and Tryptophan Operons Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 31

MCQ 151:

The concept of the operon was coined by

  1. Jacob
  2. Monod
  3. Bergstrom and samuelsson
  4. Jacob and Monod
MCQ 152:

The resemblance of the human DNA to that of the chimpanzees is about

  1. 0.3
  2. 0.98
  3. 0.99
  4. 1
MCQ 153:

Aggregation of the platelets is inhibited by the

  1. Prostaglandin
  2. Prostacyclin
  3. Thromboxane
  4. Bradykinin
MCQ 154:

The addition of the foreign material to the environment that adversely affect the quality of the life called

  1. Environmental change
  2. Environmental pollution
  3. Gases in environment
  4. Pollution
MCQ 155:

The tool used for homology and similarity is regarded as

  1. BLAST

Molecular Biology Exam Prep Tests

Operons Lac and Tryptophan Operons Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Operons Lac and Tryptophan Operons App (Android & iOS)

Operons Lac and Tryptophan Operons App (Android & iOS)

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9th Grade Biology App (Android & iOS)

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