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Chapter 17: Molecular Biology Exam Tests

Molecular Biology MCQs - Chapter 17

Regulation of Gene Expression Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Regulation of Gene Expression Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Regulation of Gene Expression MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 17-1 to study Molecular Biology Course. Practice Operons: Lac and Tryptophan Operons MCQs, Regulation of Gene Expression trivia questions and answers PDF for online masters programs. The Regulation of Gene Expression MCQs App Download: Free learning app for gene regulation-general career test to learn online certificate courses.

The MCQ: The structural gene Z in the lac operon code for the enzyme known as; "Regulation of Gene Expression" App Download (Free) with answers: Galactoside acetylase; Galactose permease; Galactosidase; Amylase; for online masters programs. Solve Basics, Patterns of Inheritance and Genetic Disorders Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online certificate courses.

Regulation of Gene Expression MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

The structural gene Z in the lac operon code for the enzyme known as

  1. Galactose permease
  2. Galactoside acetylase
  3. galactosidase
  4. Amylase
MCQ 2:

In E. coli the regulation of lactose metabolism is known as

  1. Tryptophan operon
  2. Lac operon
  3. Operon
  4. none of above
MCQ 3:

The genes that are needed for the maintenance of the basic cellular functions are known as

  1. Constitutive genes only
  2. Housekeeping genes only
  3. Jumping gene
  4. Constitutive and Housekeeping genes
MCQ 4:

The regulation of the gene expression is entirely necessary for the

  1. Development
  2. Growth
  3. Differentiation
  4. all of above
MCQ 5:

The tetrameric regulatory protein of the lac operon has molecular weight nearly

  1. 130000
  2. 150000
  3. 140000
  4. 110000

Regulation of Gene Expression Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Regulation of Gene Expression App (Android & iOS)

Regulation of Gene Expression App (Android & iOS)

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Molecular Biology App (iOS & Android)

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MCAT Biology App (iOS & Android)