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Histology Certification Exam Tests

Histology Practice Test 68

Glands of Skin Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 68

The Glands of Skin MCQ with Answers PDF (Glands of Skin Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 24-68 to prepare Histology Practice Tests. Learn Integumentary System Test PDF, Glands of Skin Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online undergraduate degree. The Glands of Skin MCQ App Download: Free certification app for leukocytes, small intestine, nails, dermis, glands of skin test prep to learn certification courses online.

The MCQ Quiz: The oily material secreted by the sebaceous glands is named as; "Glands of Skin" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: Sebum; Oil; Sweat; Salts; for online undergraduate degree. Practice Integumentary System Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for accredited distance learning universities.

Glands of Skin MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 68

MCQ 336:

The oily material secreted by the sebaceous glands is named as

  1. oil
  2. sebum
  3. sweat
  4. salts
MCQ 337:

The thickness of the dermis in the eye-lid is nearly

  1. 01 mm
  2. 0.3 mm
  3. 0.2 mm
  4. 0.5 mm
MCQ 338:

The nail s keratin contains a high content of

  1. calcium
  2. sulfur
  3. magnesium
  4. iron
MCQ 339:

A droplet of fat, persist in the blood or lymph after absorption from the small intestine, called as

  1. bolus
  2. chyme
  3. chylomicron
  4. Paneth cells
MCQ 340:

The B-lymphocytes were first discovered in the

  1. humans
  2. birds
  3. mammals
  4. fishes

Histology Exam Prep Tests

Glands of Skin Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Glands of Skin App (Android & iOS)

Glands of Skin App (Android & iOS)

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