Graduate Programs Courses

Chapter 12: Histology Exam Tests

Histology MCQs - Chapter 12

Epithelium Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 1

The Epithelium Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Epithelium MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 12-1 to study Histology Course. Practice Body Tissues MCQs, Epithelium trivia questions and answers PDF for online university. The Epithelium MCQs App Download: Free learning app for epithelium and classification covering epithelia career test to study histology graduate programs courses.

The Multiple Choice Question (MCQ): The stoma of the body, included; "Epithelium" App Download (Free) with answers: Connective tissues only; Supporting tissues only; Ducts; Supporting and connective tissues; for online university. Solve Stomach Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online college courses.

Epithelium MCQs with Answers PDF Download: MCQ Quiz 1

MCQ 1:

The stoma of the body, included

  1. supporting tissues only
  2. connective tissues only
  3. ducts
  4. supporting and connective tissues
MCQ 2:

A cluster of closely apposed cells with very small amount of extracellular matrix, named as

  1. covering
  2. tissues
  3. cells
  4. epithelium
MCQ 3:

The organized aggregation of the identical cells, specialized to perform a particular function, are known as

  1. sheets
  2. bands
  3. tissues
  4. cells
MCQ 4:

The diameter of the cilia is about

  1. 5-10 µm
  2. 3-8 µm
  3. 2-4 µm
  4. 1-5 µm
MCQ 5:

The parenchyma of the body composed of

  1. cells only
  2. tissues only
  3. muscles
  4. cells and tissues

Epithelium Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Epithelium MCQs App to learn Epithelium Textbook, Histology MCQ App, and Microbiology MCQs App. The "Epithelium MCQs" App to free download iOS & Android App includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Epithelium App (Android & iOS)

Epithelium App (Android & iOS)

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