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Cell Biology Practice Test 200

Mendel and Gene Idea Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 200

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The MCQ Quiz: The presence of sickle cell anemia lowers the incidence rate of which of the following diseases; "Mendel and Gene Idea" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: Chicken pox; Small pox; Malaria; Polio; for best online colleges. Practice Genetics Questions and Answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online college classes.

Mendel and Gene Idea MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 200

MCQ 996:

The presence of sickle cell anemia lowers the incidence rate of which of the following diseases?

  1. small pox
  2. chicken pox
  3. malaria
  4. polio
MCQ 997:

The stem cells in the bone marrow can give rise to which of the following cell types?

  1. blood cells
  2. brain cells
  3. nerve cells
  4. skin cells
MCQ 998:

Which of the following is a result of crossing over?

  1. silencing of genes
  2. deletion of genes
  3. recombination of genes
  4. addition of genes
MCQ 999:

Which of the following DNA type is present mostly at telomeres and centromeres?

  1. simple sequence DNA
  2. transposons
  3. non-coding DNA
  4. coding DNA
MCQ 1000:

During interphase the structure of the chromatin is

  1. coiled
  2. diffused mass
  3. supercoiled
  4. looped

Cell Biology Exam Prep Tests

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Mendel and Gene Idea App (Android & iOS)

Mendel and Gene Idea App (Android & iOS)

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