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Gas Pressure MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Gas Pressure Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Gas Pressure MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice SAT Physics Tests. Study SAT Physics: Pressure Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Gas Pressure quiz answers PDF for online certificate programs. The Gas Pressure MCQ App Download: Free learning app for pressure in liquids, gas pressure test prep for questions to ask during an interview.

The MCQ: The air pressure at high altitudes is; "Gas Pressure" App Download (Free) with answers: Lower than 1 atmosphere; 1 atmosphere; More than 1 atmosphere; 2 atmosphere; for online certificate programs. Practice Gas Pressure Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for job assessment test.

Gas Pressure MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

The natural pressure within our bodies is about

  1. 2 atmosphere
  2. 1 atmosphere
  3. half atmosphere
  4. 1.5 atmosphere
MCQ 2:

The air pressure at high altitudes is

  1. lower than 1 atmosphere
  2. 1 atmosphere
  3. more than 1 atmosphere
  4. 2 atmosphere
MCQ 3:

The value of the pressure exerted by the layer of air at sea level is commonly referred to as

  1. 2 atmosphere
  2. 1 atmosphere
  3. half atmosphere
  4. 1.5 atmosphere
MCQ 4:

If the density of water is 1000 kg m-3, atmospheric pressure is 1.01 × 105 and gravitational field strength is 10 N kg-1.What is the pressure acting on a scuba diver when he is at the surface?

  1. 3.01 × 105
  2. 2.01 × 105
  3. 1.01 × 105
  4. 10.01 × 105
MCQ 5:

The pressure exerted by the layer of air at sea level is

  1. 1.013 × 105
  2. 2.013 × 105
  3. 0.013 × 105
  4. 0.013 × 105

SAT Physics Practice Tests

Gas Pressure Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Gas Pressure App (Android & iOS)

Gas Pressure App (Android & iOS)

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