Chapter 1: SAT Physics Exam Tests
SAT Physics MCQs - Chapter 1
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The MCQ: For 2 objects of the different masses moving at same speed, the object of greater mass has; "Energy Mass and Power" App Download (Free) with answers: Greater potential energy; No kinetic energy; Smaller kinetic energy; Greater kinetic energy; for college entrance test. Solve Work in Physics Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online college admission.
For 2 objects of the different masses moving at same speed, the object of greater mass has
The energy converted to useful electrical energy is about
A machine has the ability to lift blocks vertically up to a height of 30 m above the ground in 50 s. The power of the machine is
A girl accidently dropped a stone from her building, the mass os the stone is 12 g and the height is 60 m. If the air resistance can be neglected and g = 10 N kg-1, what is the speed of the stone when it hits the ground?
The SI unit of work is
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