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IGCSE A Level Physics Practice Test 25

Newtons Third Law of Motion Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 25

The Newtons Third Law of Motion Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Newtons Third Law of Motion Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 22-25 to prepare IGCSE A Level Physics Practice Tests. Solve Motion Dynamics MCQ with answers PDF, Newtons Third Law of Motion Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for SAT prep classes. The Newtons Third Law of Motion Quiz App Download: Free learning app for newtons third law of motion, interference, families of particles, meaning of voltage, simple harmonic motion gravitation test prep for online associates degree.

The Quiz MCQ: Two forces which make up Newton's third law can; "Newtons Third Law of Motion" App Download (Free) with answers: Act on different objects; Act on same objects; Not act at same time; Not act oppositely; for SAT prep classes. Learn Motion Dynamics Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn IGCSE GCE certificate courses.

Newtons Third Law of Motion Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 25

MCQ 121:

Two forces which make up Newton's third law can

  1. act on same objects
  2. act on different objects
  3. not act at same time
  4. not act oppositely
MCQ 122:

Constructive interference happens when two waves are

  1. out of phase
  2. zero amplitude
  3. in phase
  4. in front
MCQ 123:

A proton is made up of

  1. one up quark and two down quarks
  2. an up quark and down antiquark
  3. two up quarks and a down quark
  4. strange quark and an anti-strange quark
MCQ 124:

Equation which measures alternating voltage is

  1. Vsin Ω
  2. sin t
  3. Vo sin Ωt
  4. V=IR
MCQ 125:

An object moving in a circle of radius ‘r’ with a constant speed ‘v’ has a constant acceleration towards the center equal to

  1. v²⁄r
  2. v⁄r
  3. v²×r
  4. v×r

IGCSE A Level Physics Exam Prep Tests

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Newtons Third Law of Motion App (Android & iOS)

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