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Thermocouple Thermometer MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Thermocouple Thermometer Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Thermocouple Thermometer MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice SAT Physics Tests. Learn SAT Physics: Temperature Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Thermocouple Thermometer quiz answers PDF for online certificate programs. The Thermocouple Thermometer MCQ App Download: Free learning app for common temperature scales, states of matter test prep to enroll in online classes.

The MCQ: An instrument that can be used at a distance, which allows scientist to work the instrument at a safer place is called; "Thermocouple Thermometer" App Download (Free) with answers: Thermocouple thermometer; Manometer; Barometer; Infrared thermometer; for online certificate programs. Practice Thermocouple Thermometer Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) for job placement test.

Thermocouple Thermometer MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

A thermocouple thermometer can measure very hot temperatures of up to

  1. 3000 °C
  2. 2000 °C
  3. 1500 °C
  4. 2300 °C
MCQ 2:

An instrument that can be used at a distance, which allows scientist to work the instrument at a safer place is called

  1. thermocouple thermometer
  2. manometer
  3. barometer
  4. infrared thermometer
MCQ 3:

The equation of the thermocouple thermometer is

  1. e.m.f ε ∝ volume
  2. e.m.f ε ∝ area
  3. e.m.f ε ∝ temperature difference
  4. e.m.f ε ∝ boiling point
MCQ 4:

A thermocouple thermometer consists basically of

  1. 1 wire
  2. 2 wires
  3. 4 wires
  4. 3 wires
MCQ 5:

The perfect instrument for measuring the temperature of lava is

  1. thermocouple thermometer
  2. manometer
  3. barometer
  4. infrared thermometer

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Thermocouple Thermometer App (Android & iOS)

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