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IGCSE O Level Physics Practice Test 56

Pressure in Gases Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 56

The Pressure in Gases MCQ with Answers PDF (Pressure in Gases Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 16-56 to prepare IGCSE O Level Physics Practice Tests. Study Simple Kinetic Theory of Matter Test PDF, Pressure in Gases Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online associates degree. The Pressure in Gases MCQ Quiz App Download: Free certification app for pressure in gases, melting and solidification, condensation: o level physics, power in physics, states of matter test prep for online certificate programs.

The MCQ: If air at a pressure of 2 MPa is compressed such that the new volume of the air is one eighth of its initial volume, then the new pressure of the air is; "Pressure in Gases" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: 2 M Pa; 0.25 M Pa; 8 M Pa; 16 M Pa; for online associates degree. Practice Simple Kinetic Theory of Matter Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for free online college classes.

Pressure in Gases MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 56

MCQ 276:

If air at a pressure of 2 MPa is compressed such that the new volume of the air is one eighth of its initial volume, then the new pressure of the air is

  1. 0.25 M Pa
  2. 2 M Pa
  3. 8 M Pa
  4. 16 M Pa
MCQ 277:

During the process of solidification, when the liquid is being changed into solid, the temperature at that period would

  1. increase
  2. decrease
  3. remain constant
  4. may increase or decrease
MCQ 278:

In condensation, which change of state takes place?

  1. Gas to Solid
  2. Gas to Liquid
  3. Liquid to Gas
  4. Liquid to Solid
MCQ 279:

If a bulb uses energy of 100 J and remains on for 25 s, the power consumed by the bulb will be

  1. 125 W
  2. 4 W
  3. 2500 W
  4. 75 W
MCQ 280:

Gases are highly compressible due to

  1. unfixed shape and volume
  2. collision of particles
  3. high density
  4. the distance of particles

IGCSE O Level Physics Exam Prep Tests

Pressure in Gases Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Pressure in Gases App (Android & iOS)

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