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IGCSE O Level Physics Practice Tests

IGCSE O Level Physics Online Tests

Evaporation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) PDF Download

Free Evaporation Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF Download (Evaporation MCQ PDF Book) to learn online igcse physics degree courses. Practice Melting and Boiling Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Evaporation quiz answers PDF to learn online GCSE courses. Free learning app: Evaporation MCQ App Download & e-Book for latent heat, melting and solidification, evaporation test prep for colleges that offer certificate programs.

The MCQ: Statement related to the process of evaporation that is incorrect is; "Evaporation" App Download (Free) with answers evaporation occurs at any temperature, evaporation takes place within the liquid, temperature may change during evaporation and no bubbles are formed in the liquid during evaporation to learn online GCSE courses. Study evaporation quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for ACT subject test tutoring.

Evaporation MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: Statement related to the process of evaporation that is incorrect is

A) Evaporation occurs at any temperature
B) Evaporation takes place within the liquid
C) Temperature may change during evaporation
D) No bubbles are formed in the liquid during evaporation

MCQ 2: Rate of evaporation is

A) directly proportional to the temperature of the liquid
B) inversely proportional to the temperature of the liquid
C) independent of the temperature of the liquid
D) directly proportional to the humidity of the surrounding air

MCQ 3: Rate of evaporation increases as

A) the exposed surface area of the liquid increases
B) the exposed surface area of the liquid decreases
C) the movement of air above the surface of the liquid decreases
D) atmospheric pressure increases

MCQ 4: Rate of evaporation decreases as

A) the temperature increases
B) the humidity of the surrounding air increases
C) the movement of air above the surface of the liquid increases
D) the atmospheric pressure decreases

MCQ 5: Which of the following factors do not affect the rate of evaporation?

A) Temperature of the liquid
B) Humidity of the surrounding air
C) Depth of the liquid
D) Surface of the liquid

IGCSE O Level Physics Practice Tests

Evaporation Learning App & Free Study Apps

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Evaporation App (Android & iOS)

Evaporation App (Android & iOS)

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