Chapter 11: IGCSE O Level Physics Exam Tests
IGCSE O Level Physics MCQs - Chapter 11
The Measurement of Temperature Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Measurement of Temperature MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 11-1 to study IGCSE O Level Physics Course. Practice Scales of Temperature MCQs, Measurement of Temperature quiz questions and answers PDF for best ACT prep courses online. The Measurement of Temperature MCQs App Download: Free learning app for measuring temperature, types of thermometers career test to learn online classes courses.
The MCQ: In a resistance thermometer, a metal wire shows a resistance of 500 Ω at the ice point and 550 Ω at the steam point. The temperature when resistance is 535 Ω would be; "Measurement of Temperature" App Download (Free) with answers: 65 °C; 60 °C; 70 °C; 75 °C; for best ACT prep courses online. Solve Temperature Scales Quiz Questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for colleges that offer certificate programs.
In a resistance thermometer, a metal wire shows a resistance of 500 Ω at the ice point and 550 Ω at the steam point. The temperature when resistance is 535 Ω would be
Absolute zero on Kelvin scale is equal to
While going through a heap of junk in her garage, Jackie found an uncalibrated mercury thermometer. After a few experiments, she succeeded in calibrating it. Her notes show that the ice point of the thermometer corresponds to 3 cm while the steam point corresponds to 30 cm of mercury. If Jackie's calculations are fine, then length = 15 cm would correspond to
Every temperature measuring instrument makes use of a physical property of a substance in order to measure temperature objectively, which physical property is used by Mercury-in-glass thermometer?
Which one of these thermometers is portable as well as simple to use?
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