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SAT Physics Practice Test 32

Converging Lens Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 32

The Converging Lens MCQ with Answers PDF (Converging Lens Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 6-32 to prepare SAT Physics Practice Tests. Learn SAT Physics Light Test PDF, Converging Lens Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for free career test. The Converging Lens MCQ App Download: Free certification app for sat physics subjective test, latent heat, converging lens test prep to study online schools courses.

The MCQ: Any transparent material having two surfaces of which at least one is curved is called; "Converging Lens" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Lens; Endoscope; Light pipe; Microscope; for free career test. Practice SAT Physics Light Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for online assessment test for jobs.

Converging Lens MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 32

MCQ 156:

Any transparent material having two surfaces of which at least one is curved is called

  1. endoscope
  2. lens
  3. light pipe
  4. microscope
MCQ 157:

The amount of thermal energy required to change the solid to liquid state, or vice versa, without a change in temperature is known as

  1. specific latent heat of fusion
  2. latent heat of vaporization
  3. latent heat of fusion of a solid
  4. specific latent heat of vaporization
MCQ 158:

The focal point is also termed as

  1. principal focus
  2. focal length
  3. focal plane
  4. principal axis
MCQ 159:

The component of internal energy due to stretching and compressing of the interatomic bonds is known as

  1. negative component
  2. average component
  3. potential component
  4. kinetic component
MCQ 160:

They are formed by large masses of snow and ice that accumulate in great quantities on mountain-tops

  1. ponds
  2. galaxies
  3. glaciers
  4. igloos

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