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Facts about Waves MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Facts about Waves Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Facts about Waves MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice SAT Physics Tests. Learn SAT Physics: Waves Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Facts about Waves quiz answers PDF to learn online certification courses. The Facts about Waves MCQ App Download: Free learning app for facts about waves, properties of wave motion test prep for high school entrance exam.

The MCQ: A pendulum bob moving from the extreme left to the extreme right and back to its starting position is said to be; "Facts about Waves" App Download (Free) with answers: Linear; Periodic; Translatory; Circular; to learn online certification courses. Practice Facts about Waves Quiz Questions, download Google e-Book (Free Sample) to learn free online courses.

Facts about Waves MCQs PDF: Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

Sound waves and pushing and pulling a Slinky are the examples of

  1. mechanical waves
  2. electromagnetic waves
  3. transverse waves
  4. longitudinal waves
MCQ 2:

A pendulum bob moving from the extreme left to the extreme right and back to its starting position is said to be

  1. linear
  2. periodic
  3. translatory
  4. circular
MCQ 3:

A wave is made up of

  1. periodic motion
  2. circulatory motion
  3. translatory motion
  4. exclatory motion
MCQ 4:

When the pendulum bob moves from one point to another(left to right) and then back again(right to left) then it completes

  1. positive oscillation
  2. quarter oscillation
  3. half oscillation
  4. one oscillation
MCQ 5:

Light waves and water waves are the examples of

  1. mechanical waves
  2. electromagnetic waves
  3. transverse waves
  4. longitudinal waves

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