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MBA Project Management Practice Tests

MBA Project Management Online Tests

Risk Management and Project Office MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Risk Management and Project Office Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers PDF (Risk Management and Project Office MCQ PDF e-Book) download to practice MBA Project Management Tests. Study Projects and Organizational Structure Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Risk Management and Project Office quiz answers PDF for online MBA in HR management. The Risk Management and Project Office MCQ App Download: Free learning app for selection of organizational form, risk management and project office, pure project organization test prep for executive MBA programs online.

The MCQ: In risk management system we must identify the assumptions made in the preliminary project plan that may be the; "Risk Management and Project Office" App Download (Free) with answers: Source of risk; Input to risk; Output as risk; Source of Project; for online MBA in HR management. Practice Risk Management and Project Office Quiz Questions, download Apple e-Book (Free Sample) for good online MBA programs.

Risk Management and Project Office MCQ (PDF) Questions Answers Download

MCQ 1:

An organization that does any semiformal risk management, fail to consider risks associated with the project's

  1. Internal environment
  2. External environment
  3. Uncertain future
  4. Market value
MCQ 2:

In risk management system we must identify the assumptions made in the preliminary project plan that may be the

  1. Source of risk
  2. Input to risk
  3. Output as risk
  4. Source of Project
MCQ 3:

Anything outside a system (the project) that can affect or be affected by the system, is known as

  1. Environment
  2. Medium
  3. Channel
  4. Boundary matrix
MCQ 4:

The sixth sub process in the risk management process is

  1. Risk Response
  2. Qualitative Risk Analysis
  3. Risk monitoring and controlling
  4. Quantitative Risk Analysis
MCQ 5:

A list of categories and key words are used to categorize risks, assumptions, and environments so that all risk management groups can access

  1. Data block
  2. Data bank
  3. Past work
  4. Future Scope

MBA Project Management Practice Tests

Risk Management and Project Office Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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Risk Management and Project Office App (Android & iOS)

Risk Management and Project Office App (Android & iOS)

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