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IGCSE O Level Physics Practice Test 105

Properties of Wave Motion Quiz Questions and Answers PDF - 105

The e-Book Properties of Wave Motion Quiz Questions, properties of wave motion quiz answers PDF download, chapter 24-105 to study free igcse physics online courses. Practice Waves Physics MCQ with answers PDF, properties of wave motion Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online college degrees. The Properties of Wave Motion Quiz App Download: Free learning app for properties of wave motion, acceleration free fall, electromagnetic waves, forces and motion, boiling and condensation test prep for best GRE prep courses online.

The Quiz: Ups and downs in the transverse waves are termed as; "Properties of Wave Motion" App Download (Free) with answers crests and rarefactions, compression and rarefaction, compressions and troughs and crests and troughs to study e-learning courses. Solve waves physics questions and answers, Amazon eBook to download free sample for two year online colleges.

Properties of Wave Motion Questions and Answers PDF Download: Quiz 105

MCQ 521: Ups and downs in the transverse waves are termed as

A) compression and rarefaction
B) crests and rarefactions
C) compressions and troughs
D) crests and troughs

MCQ 522: Following that is not the characteristic of air resistance is

A) It always opposes the motion
B) It decrease with the speed of the object
C) It increases with the surface area
D) It increases with the density of the air

MCQ 523: Waves having lowest wavelength is

A) radio waves
B) infrared
C) ultraviolet
D) gamma rays

MCQ 524: On earth the object weighs 57 N and on moon it weighs 9.12 N. Its mass is

A) 35.6 N
B) 5.7 N
C) 0.912 N
D) 7.52 N

MCQ 525: Thermal energy absorbed without any change in temperature in boiling is termed as

A) Latent heat of Fusion
B) Latent heat of Fission
C) Latent Heat of Vaporization
D) Heat Capacity of Vaporization

IGCSE O Level Physics Exam Prep Tests

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