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IGCSE O Level Physics Practice Test 113

Melting and Solidification Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download - 113

The Melting and Solidification Quiz Questions and Answers PDF (Melting and Solidification Quiz with Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 21-113 to prepare IGCSE O Level Physics Practice Tests. Solve Thermal Properties of Matter MCQ with answers PDF, Melting and Solidification Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for colleges that offer online courses. The Melting and Solidification Quiz App Download: Free learning app for melting and solidification, temperature scales, types of thermometers, power in physics, introducing waves test prep for ACT practice test.

The Quiz MCQ: In the process of solidification, change of state that takes place is; "Melting & Solidification" App Download (Free) with answers: Gas to solid; Liquid to solid; Gas to liquid and then to solid; Semi-solid to solid; for colleges that offer online courses. Learn Thermal Properties of Matter Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to learn online IGCSE courses.

Melting & Solidification Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 113

MCQ 561:

In the process of solidification, change of state that takes place is

  1. Liquid to solid
  2. Gas to solid
  3. Gas to liquid and then to solid
  4. Semi-solid to solid
MCQ 562:

An electrical wire resists 600 Ω at ice point and 700 Ω at steam point, and the resistance of wire is 610 Ω the room temperature would be

  1. 15 °C
  2. 10 °C
  3. 25 °C
  4. 50 °C
MCQ 563:

Feature of the laboratory thermometer that makes it responsive is

  1. The thin-walled glass bulb
  2. The small bulb containing a small amount of liquid
  3. The fine as well as uniform bore of the capillary tube
  4. The relatively small size of the thermometer
MCQ 564:

One watt is equal to

  1. One joule per second
  2. One second per joule
  3. One meter per joule
  4. One joule per meter
MCQ 565:

Statement related to the waves that is incorrect is

  1. It provides a mechanism for transfer of energy from one point to another without the transfer of material
  2. All waves have the same speed i.e. equal to 3×108 m s-1
  3. The source of any wave is vibration or oscillation
  4. All of the above

IGCSE O Level Physics Exam Prep Tests

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Melting & Solidification App (Android & iOS)

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