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IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Test 62

Physical Environment: Ecology MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 62

The Physical Environment Ecology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Physical Environment Ecology MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 6-62 to solve IGCSE O Level Biology Practice Tests. Study Ecology O level Biology quiz answers PDF, Physical Environment Ecology Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study online certificate courses. The Physical Environment: Ecology MCQs App Download: Free educational app for physical environment: ecology, spinal cord and nerves, biological molecules, habitat specialization due to salinity, dormancy and seed germination test prep for accredited online colleges.

The MCQs: Which is true in case of xerophytes; "Physical Environment: Ecology" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Develop fleshy stems; Does not shed leaves in periods of drought; Have no mechanism to store water; Rely solely on leaves for photosynthesis; to study online certificate courses. Practice Ecology O level Biology Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample to learn free online courses.

Physical Environment: Ecology MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 62

MCQ 306:

Which is true in case of xerophytes

  1. does not shed leaves in periods of drought
  2. develop fleshy stems
  3. have no mechanism to store water
  4. rely solely on leaves for photosynthesis
MCQ 307:

Dorsally behind the optic lobes is

  1. midbrain
  2. cerebellum
  3. medulla oblongata
  4. hypothalamus
MCQ 308:

In hydrolysis, the larger molecules are broken down into smaller molecules by the addition of

  1. amino acids
  2. water
  3. grape sugar
  4. sucrose
MCQ 309:

Animals living in sea water tend to loose water through

  1. osmosis
  2. active transport
  3. gills
  4. diffusion
MCQ 310:

Germination of 10,000 years old seeds was observed in

  1. Melon family
  2. Arctic Tundra Lupine
  3. Moth Mullein
  4. Hesperidiums

IGCSE O Level Biology Exam Prep Tests

Physical Environment Ecology Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Physical Environment Ecology App (Android & iOS)

Physical Environment Ecology App (Android & iOS)

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