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MCAT Biology Practice Test 31

Amino Acids Classification Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 31

The Amino Acids Classification Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Amino Acids Classification Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 1-31 to solve MCAT Biology Practice Tests. Learn Amino Acids MCQ Questions PDF, Amino Acids Classification Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with online MCAT practice tests. The Amino Acids Classification Trivia App Download: Free educational app for amino acids classification, gluconeogenesis, what are carbohydrates, cycle regulation, general function in cell containment test prep for college entrance test.

The Trivia MCQ: The number of amino acids that have hydrophobic side chains are; "Amino Acids Classification" App (iOS & Android) with answers: 8; 7; 9; 10; for college entrance test. Study Amino Acids Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online MCAT classes.

Amino Acids Classification Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 31

MCQ 151:

The number of amino acids that have hydrophobic side chains are

  1. 7
  2. 8
  3. 9
  4. 10
MCQ 152:

In vertebrates, gluconeogenesis mainly takes place in

  1. stomach
  2. liver
  3. heart
  4. intestine
MCQ 153:

In naming cyclic carbohydrates the anomers are placed in the

  1. beginning
  2. end
  3. middle
  4. termination
MCQ 154:

In cells with higher TCA activity, the NADP- dependent variant is present at higher activity than

  1. NAD- dependent
  2. NADH- dependent
  3. NADPH- dependent
  4. AMP-dependent
MCQ 155:

The cell's potential is maintained by

  1. mitochondria
  2. nucleus
  3. ribosomes
  4. cell membrane

MCAT Biology Exam Prep Tests

Amino Acids Classification Learning App: Free Download (Android & iOS)

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Amino Acids Classification App (Android & iOS)

Amino Acids Classification App (Android & iOS)

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