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ATP Synthase and Chemiosmotic Coupling Quiz Questions and Answers PDF Download

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The Quiz: The movement across membrane depends upon; "ATP Synthase and Chemiosmotic Coupling" App Download (Free) with answers: Electrostatic force; Diffusion; Both A and B; Osmosis; for college admission test. Learn Oxidative Phosphorylation Questions and Answers, Apple eBook to download free sample to study online MCAT exam courses.

ATP Synthase and Chemiosmotic Coupling Questions and Answers PDF Download: MCQ 1

MCQ 1:

The movement across membrane depends upon

  1. Diffusion
  2. Electrostatic force
  3. both A and B
  4. Osmosis
MCQ 2:

A method of writing structural formula of carbohydrates to represent the monosaccharide's cyclic structure with a simple 3D perspective is known as

  1. Haworth projection
  2. Structural formula
  3. Empirical formula
  4. Simple formula
MCQ 3:

Changing the twist from relaxed state requires adding energy and increases the

  1. stress along the molecule
  2. strain over the molecule
  3. forces in the molecule
  4. Collusion between the molecules
MCQ 4:

If half the offspring are recessive, this means that the individual was a

  1. homozygous dominant
  2. heterozygous dominant
  3. homozygous recessive
  4. heterozygous recessive
MCQ 5:

In average human adult, the rate of apoptosis per day is

  1. 100 billion cells
  2. 50-70 billion cells
  3. 30 billion cells
  4. 10 billion cells

MCAT Biology Exam Prep Tests

ATP Synthase and Chemiosmotic Coupling Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

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ATP Synthase and Chemiosmotic Coupling App (Android & iOS)

ATP Synthase and Chemiosmotic Coupling App (Android & iOS)

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MCAT Biology App (iOS & Android)

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