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Management of Working Capital MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 2

The Management of Working Capital Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers PDF (Management of Working Capital MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 3-2 to learn mba management online course. Study Financial Management MCQs Questions PDF, management of working capital Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online executive MBA programs. The Management of Working Capital MCQs App Download: Free certification app for leadership, stakeholders, management of working capital test prep .

The MCQs: Working capital is also known as; "Management of Working Capital" App (Android, iOS) with answers: Work in progress capital; Current capital or circulating capital; Day-to-day capital; Trading capital; for online executive MBA programs. Practice financial management questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for master of science in business administration.

Management of Working Capital MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 2

MCQ 6:

Working capital is also known as

  1. Current capital or circulating capital
  2. Work in progress capital
  3. Day-to-day capital
  4. Trading capital
MCQ 7:

Inventory is listed as a part of current assets. Stock or inventory in an organization means

  1. Goods that are readily available for sale
  2. All the assets available for sale
  3. All the raw material, Semi finished and the finished goods in the organization
  4. Goods that can be sold within a short span of time
MCQ 8:

Different stakeholders possess different powers and interests. How should the stakeholders with high interest and high power be treated?

  1. Keep them informed about all the major happenings
  2. Devote negligible effort
  3. Invest maximum effort
  4. No extra effort needed
MCQ 9:

According to the behavioral studies on leadership, a leader should set an inspiring example for the followers. A leader should possess following characteristics

  1. Defiance, Triviality, Inventiveness, Resourcefulness
  2. Diligence, daring, peer assessment, Triviality
  3. Defiance, daring, Inventiveness, Resourcefulness
  4. Diligence, daring, Innovation and creativity, peer assessment
MCQ 10:

Companies provide credit system as it is

  1. An essential tool for alluring and holding the valuable clients
  2. feasible for the managers
  3. needed by the suppliers
  4. a way to organize the capital of the organization

Financial Management Exam Prep Tests

Management of Working Capital Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Management of Working Capital App (Android & iOS)

Management of Working Capital App (Android & iOS)

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MNGT App (iOS & Android)

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