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MBA Management Practice Test 4

Management Basics Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 4

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Management Basics MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 4

MCQ 16:

According to the companies act, a service Co. is a company that is specifically entitled to

  1. Provide intangible services to the customers
  2. Provide law services to different industries
  3. Provide flawless security services to industry
  4. Provide services as a middle man to the industry
MCQ 17:

Every organization is interested in knowing their key stakeholders, their level of interest and the influence they have on the entity. Influence is important because it helps the managers to obtain

  1. defiance, compliance, conformity, assurance
  2. power of control, Possession of skills, Investment, Resources
  3. influence, reward power, possession of skills, assurance
  4. Assurance, Defiance, Investment, Power
MCQ 18:

Henry Mintzberg is considered the most important researcher on management. According to his research he divided the roles of a manager into following categories.

  1. Informational, Interpersonal, Decisional
  2. Decisional, interpersonal, integrity
  3. Directive, supportive, Decisional.
  4. Achievement oriented, participative, informational.
MCQ 19:

Poor cash flows create problems for the organization in the long run. It includes

  1. Meager credit mechanism
  2. Lack of budgeting
  3. Unanticipated demand of cash
  4. drawings by the owner
MCQ 20:

Cash budget is used to measure whether a company has ample cash to run its tasks. It comprises of following major components

  1. Cash in hand, cash at bank, money lended to partner, long term deposits
  2. Cash in hand and cash at bank
  3. Cash inflows and cash outflows
  4. Cash income and cash expenses

Financial Management Exam Prep Tests

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