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Computer Fundamentals Practice Test 36

Searching Merging and Sorting Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 36

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Searching Merging & Sorting MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 36

MCQ 176:

Level of generations that are generally kept are

  1. two
  2. three
  3. four
  4. five
MCQ 177:

Devices such as mercury thermometer and kitchen scales are classified as

  1. digital devices
  2. analogue devices
  3. programmed devices
  4. signal led devices
MCQ 178:

Program which interprets each line of high level program at the time of execution is called

  1. instructor
  2. interpreter
  3. translator
  4. executor
MCQ 179:

If central processing unit is programmed to send output to analogue device then the converter must be of type

  1. digital to analogue
  2. analogue to digital
  3. analogue double buffering
  4. digital double buffering
MCQ 180:

Complete set of special characters used by any system is classified as

  1. control characters
  2. graphics characters
  3. character set
  4. alphanumeric characters

Computer Fundamentals Exam Prep Tests

Searching Merging & Sorting Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Searching Merging & Sorting App (Android & iOS)

Searching Merging & Sorting App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (Android & iOS)

Computer Fundamentals App (iOS & Android)

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Database Management System App (Android & iOS)

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