Computer Science Degree Courses

Database Management System Certification Exam Tests

Database Management System Practice Test 39

Weak Entity Types Quiz Questions with Answers PDF Download - 39

The Weak Entity Types Trivia Questions and Answers PDF (Weak Entity Types Quiz Answers PDF e-Book) download Ch. 1-39 to solve Database Management System Practice Tests. Learn Data Modeling Entity Relationship Model MCQ Questions PDF, Weak Entity Types Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for computer science bachelor degree online. The Weak Entity Types Trivia App Download: Free educational app for weak entity types, database constraints and relational schemas, ordered records, relationship types, sets and roles, erm types constraints test prep for online college courses.

The Quiz: The parent entity type or identifying entity type are considered as other names of; "Weak Entity Types" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Non dominant entity type; Dominant entity type; Composite entity type; Non foreign entity type; for online college courses. Study Data Modeling Entity Relationship Model Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for online bachelor's degree computer science.

Weak Entity Types Quiz with Answers PDF Download: MCQs 39

MCQ 191:

The parent entity type or identifying entity type are considered as other names of

  1. dominant entity type
  2. non dominant entity type
  3. composite entity type
  4. non foreign entity type
MCQ 192:

If two or more constraints are violated by using insert operation then by default the

  1. insert is accepted
  2. insert is rejected
  3. insertion permanently blocked
  4. none of above
MCQ 193:

The record searching technique which is based on the blocks rather than records is called

  1. tertiary search
  2. binary search
  3. ordinary search
  4. ternary search
MCQ 194:

The relationship type with two degrees is classified as

  1. extension association
  2. intension association
  3. binary relationship
  4. ternary relationship
MCQ 195:

The constraint which specifies the minimum number of relationship instances is classified as

  1. participation constraint
  2. non-participation constraint
  3. extensive constraint
  4. intensive constraint

Database Management System Exam Prep Tests

Weak Entity Types Learning App: Free Download Android & iOS

The App: Weak Entity Types Quiz App to learn Weak Entity Types Textbook, Database Management System Quiz App, and DBMS Quiz App. The "Weak Entity Types" App to free download iOS & Android Apps includes complete analytics with interactive assessments. Download App Store & Play Store learning Apps & enjoy 100% functionality with subscriptions!

Weak Entity Types App (Android & iOS)

Weak Entity Types App (Android & iOS)

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