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Computer Fundamentals Practice Test 100
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The MCQ: Time taken by a device to locate its data and to transfer it to right place is classified as; "Types of Storage" App (Free Android & iOS) with answers: Processing time; Access time; Printing time; Reversing time; for online computer science engineering. Practice Storage Devices and Media Questions and Answers, Apple e-Book to download free sample for top online computer science programs.
Time taken by a device to locate its data and to transfer it to right place is classified as
In positive integers, largest number that can be stored with 'n' bits is called
Type of error which occurs when the programming language commands does not used correctly is classified as
Technique used in mainframe computers by the programmers to perform batch processing is classified as
In the line "300 INPUT NUM: PRINT 4.2*NUM*NUM+17" of a BASIC program, the '300' is
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