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Bulb Invention Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF Download - 224

The Bulb Invention MCQ with Answers PDF (Bulb Invention Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) PDF e-Book) download Ch. 14-224 to learn general knowledge online courses. Solve Technology Inventions Test PDF, Bulb Invention Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for college entrance test. The Bulb Invention MCQ App Download: Free certification app for the united nations, world bank, human skeleton division, africa continent, bulb invention test prep for master degree entrance exam.

The MCQ Quiz: Primary inventor of the carbon-filament light bulb is; "Bulb Invention" App (Play Store & App Store) with answers: Thomas Edison; Mary Anderson; George Antheil; Victor Adler; for college entrance test. Study technology inventions questions and answers, Apple Book to download free sample for job placement test.

Bulb Invention MCQ Quiz with Answers PDF Download: Test 224

MCQ 1116:

Primary inventor of the carbon-filament light bulb is

  1. Mary Anderson
  2. Thomas Edison
  3. George Antheil
  4. Victor Adler
MCQ 1117:

Largest country of second largest continent Africa in terms of area is

  1. Libya
  2. Algeria
  3. Sudan
  4. Congo
MCQ 1118:

Division of skeleton which is composed of pelvic girdle, pectoral girdle and bones of lower and upper limbs is known as

  1. axial skeleton
  2. appendicular skeleton
  3. perpendicular skeleton
  4. transcription skeleton
MCQ 1119:

International financial institution 'World Bank' was founded in

  1. October, 1948
  2. April, 1949
  3. July, 1944
  4. May, 1945
MCQ 1120:

Headquarter of United Nations (UN) is located in

  1. Washington
  2. Nairobi
  3. Geneva
  4. New York City

General Knowledge Exam Prep Tests

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