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Pacific Ocean Facts MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download

The Pacific Ocean Facts Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) with Answers (Pacific Ocean Facts MCQ PDF e-Book) download to study general knowledge online courses. Learn Oceans of World Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Pacific Ocean Facts quiz answers PDF for MBA program entrance exam. The Pacific Ocean Facts MCQ App Download: Free learning app for indian ocean, arctic ocean, pacific ocean facts, atlantic ocean facts test prep for university entrance exam.

The MCQ: Deepest ocean 'Mariana Trench' is located in; "Pacific Ocean Facts" App Download (Free) with answers eastern north pacific, western south pacific, western north pacific and eastern north pacific for MBA program entrance exam. Study pacific ocean facts quiz questions, download Amazon eBook (Free Sample) for questions to ask during an interview.

Pacific Ocean Facts MCQs: Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1:

The deepest ocean 'Mariana Trench' is located in

  1. Eastern North Pacific
  2. Western South Pacific
  3. Western North Pacific
  4. Eastern North Pacific
MCQ 2:

On the Earth surface, the imaginary line which runs from north to South Pole is known as

  1. World Oceanic Line
  2. Prime meridian Line
  3. International Date Line
  4. International meridian line
MCQ 3:

Pacific Ocean, the coasts that have no subduction zones are

  1. Antarctic and Australian coasts
  2. African coasts
  3. Atlantic and Antarctic coasts
  4. Atlantic and Australian coasts
MCQ 4:

The world's largest belt of volcanoes is known as

  1. Pacific Line of Fire
  2. Arctic Ring of Fire
  3. Pacific Ring of Fire
  4. Atlantic Ring of Fire
MCQ 5:

The Pacific Ocean shares its western boundary with

  1. Africa and South America
  2. Asia and Australia
  3. Australia and North America
  4. Africa and Europe

General Knowledge Practice Tests

Pacific Ocean Facts Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Pacific Ocean Facts App (Android & iOS)

Pacific Ocean Facts App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (Android & iOS)

General Knowledge App (iOS & Android)

Fluid Mechanics App (Android & iOS)

Fluid Mechanics App (Android & iOS)

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