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Networking Important Concepts Quizzes for Students PDF

The Networking Important Concepts Quizzes for Students (Computer Networking MCQ PDF e-Book) download to study computer networking online courses. Practice Computer Networking Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Computer Networking quiz answers PDF to learn online classes courses. The Networking Important Concepts Quizzes for Students App Download: Free learning app for data communication quiz questions and answers, basic networking aptitude questions and answers, networking competitive exam questions and answers, digital conversion in networking competitive exam questions test prep to learn online certificate courses.

The MCQ: In mesh topology, devices are connected via; "Networking Important Concepts Quizzes for Students" App Download (Free) with answers: Multipoint link; Point-to-point link; Multilevel link; Linear link; to learn online classes courses. Study Networking Important Concepts Quizzes for Students FAQs, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for computer software engineer online degree.

Computer Networking MCQs: Networking Important Concepts Quizzes for Students PDF Download

MCQ 1:

In mesh topology, the devices are connected via

  1. Multipoint link
  2. Point-to-point link
  3. Multilevel link
  4. Linear link
MCQ 2:

The topology that is less expensive then star topology is known as

  1. Bus topology
  2. Mesh topology
  3. Star topology
  4. Ring topology
MCQ 3:

The main disadvantage of mesh topology is its

  1. Robustness
  2. Cabling amount
  3. No traffic blockage
  4. No security
MCQ 4:

A point-to-point linkage makes fault isolation

  1. Easy
  2. Difficult
  3. Impossible
  4. Possible
MCQ 5:

The topology covers security, robust and eliminates the traffic factor is named

  1. Ring topology
  2. Star topology
  3. Bus topology
  4. Mesh topology

Practice Tests: Computer Networking Exam Prep

Networking Important Concepts Quizzes for Students Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Networking Important Concepts Quizzes for Students App (Android & iOS)

Networking Important Concepts Quizzes for Students App (Android & iOS)

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