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Binary Relational Operation: JOIN and DIVISION MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 14

The Binary Relational Operation JOIN and DIVISION Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Binary Relational Operation JOIN and DIVISION MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 11-14 to solve Database Management System Practice Tests. Study Relational Algebra and Calculus quiz answers PDF, Binary Relational Operation JOIN and DIVISION Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study software engineering courses. The Binary Relational Operation: JOIN and DIVISION MCQs App Download: Free educational app for binary relational operation: join and division, hashing techniques, erm types constraints, entity types, sets, attributes and keys, select and project test prep for online computer science schools.

The MCQs: In the EQUIJOIN condition, the operation which is used to avoid superfluous attribute is classified as; "Binary Relational Operation: JOIN & DIVISION" App (Android, iOS) with answers: NATURAL JOIN; ALPHA JOIN; UNNATURAL JOIN; THETA JOIN; to study software engineering courses. Practice Relational Algebra and Calculus Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for BSc computer science.

Binary Relational Operation: JOIN & DIVISION MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 14

MCQ 66:

In the EQUIJOIN condition, the operation which is used to avoid superfluous attribute is classified as

MCQ 67:

In linear hashing, the formula of file load factor is

  1. l = r⁄ (bfr * N)
  2. l = r⁄ (bfr + N)
  3. l = r⁄ (bfr - N)
  4. l = r⁄ (bfr * 2N)
MCQ 68:

The types of partial constraints are

  1. total and partial
  2. intensive and extensive
  3. minimum and maximum
  4. floating and string
MCQ 69:

The attributes which have only one value for a specific entity are called

  1. multi-valued attributes
  2. single valued attributes
  3. atomic attributes
  4. diatomic attributes
MCQ 70:

The Boolean expression used in the SELECT operation consists of clauses such as

  1. attribute name
  2. constant value
  3. comparison operators
  4. all of above

Database Management System Exam Prep Tests

Binary Relational Operation JOIN & DIVISION Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Binary Relational Operation JOIN & DIVISION App (Android & iOS)

Binary Relational Operation JOIN & DIVISION App (Android & iOS)

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