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C Programming Tricky Questions PDF

The C Programming Tricky Questions (Android MCQ PDF e-Book) download to learn android online courses. Solve Interactive Mode, Batch Mode, and Data Files Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Android quiz answers PDF for online computer science programs. The C Programming Tricky Questions App Download: Free learning app for learning c language with interactive questions and answers, introduction to computer questions and answers, c programming practice exercises with answers test prep for free online classes.

The MCQ: In C language, "metric myoutput statement" is used for a program "metric" to; "C Programming Tricky Questions" App Download (Free) with answers: Scans input from ?mydata? file and sends output to a ?myoutput? file; Takes input from Keyboard and sends output to a ?myoutput? file; Takes input from Keyboard and sends output to the screen; Scans input from ?mydata? file and sends output to the screen; for online computer science programs. Practice C Programming Tricky Questions FAQs, download Apple eBook (Free Sample) for best online schools for computer science.

Android MCQs: C Programming Tricky Questions PDF Download

MCQ 1:

In C language, the "metric myoutput statement" is used for a program "metric" to

  1. Scans input from ?mydata? file and sends output to a ?myoutput? file
  2. Takes input from Keyboard and sends output to a ?myoutput? file
  3. Takes input from Keyboard and sends output to the screen
  4. Scans input from ?mydata? file and sends output to the screen
MCQ 2:

ENIAC, the first large scale general purpose computer was developed in

  1. 1936
  2. 1946
  3. 1956
  4. 1966
MCQ 3:

In C language, the most difficult error to handle is

  1. Syntax error
  2. Runtime error
  3. Garbage error
  4. Logical error
MCQ 4:

In C language, the correct way to close a file is

  1. close(*pt);
  2. fclose(pt);
  3. close(pt);
  4. fclose(*pt);
MCQ 5:

The mode in which the program scans data from formerly prepared data file instead of user is called

  1. Script mode
  2. Interactive mode
  3. Batch mode
  4. Normal mode

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