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C Language Certification Exam Tests

C Language Practice Test 5

C Programming Concepts for Interview PDF Download - 5

The C Programming Concepts for Interview (C Language MCQs PDF e-Book), download test 5 to practice c language placement tests. Practice C Language MCQ trivia questions, C Programming Concepts for Interview Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to learn online school courses. The "C Programming Concepts for Interview" App: Free download educational App for c programming tricky questions, c programming questions and answers, c programming concepts for interview test prep for online degrees.

The MCQs: In C language, correct normal decimal notation for 103e -4 is; "C Programming Concepts for Interview" App (Android, iOS) with answers: 0.00103; 0.000103; 0.0103; 0.103; to learn online school courses. Solve c language questions and answers, Google eBook to download free sample for associates in computer science.

C Language MCQ: C Programming Concepts for Interview PDF Download - 5

MCQ 21:

In C language, the correct normal decimal notation for 103e -4 is

  1. 0.000103
  2. 0.00103
  3. 0.0103
  4. 0.103
MCQ 22:

Prior to compilation, C preprocessor takes the instructions of modifying the text of a program as commands are called

  1. Structures
  2. Preprocessing directives
  3. Functions
  4. Classes
MCQ 23:

In C language, the "metric myoutput statement" is used for a program "metric" to

  1. Scans input from ?mydata? file and sends output to a ?myoutput? file
  2. Takes input from Keyboard and sends output to a ?myoutput? file
  3. Takes input from Keyboard and sends output to the screen
  4. Scans input from ?mydata? file and sends output to the screen
MCQ 24:

In C language, a type of error in which arithmetic operation is performed on vastly different magnitude operands is called

  1. Arithmetic underflow
  2. Cancellation error
  3. Arithmetic overflow
  4. Representational error
MCQ 25:

The output of strlen(uranium) is

  1. 7
  2. 8
  3. 9
  4. 10

Career Tests: C Language Course Prep

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