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C Language Certification Exam Tests

C Language Practice Test 39

C Language Tutorial for Beginners with Questions PDF Download - 39

The C Language Tutorial for Beginners with Questions (C Language Trivia PDF e-Book), download test 39 to practice c language online career tests. Solve C Language MCQ questions, C Language Tutorial for Beginners with Questions Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) to study online school courses. The "C Language Tutorial for Beginners with Questions" App: Free download certification App for c programming concepts for interview, multiple choice questions in c programming, c language tutorial for beginners with questions test prep for associates in computer science.

The Quiz: In C language, a type of error in which a very small computational result represented as zero is called; "C Language Tutorial for Beginners with Questions" App (iOS, Android) with answers: Arithmetic overflow; Cancellation error; Arithmetic underflow; Representational error; for associates in computer science. Learn c language questions and answers, Apple Book to download free sample for online degrees.

C Language Quiz Online: C Language Tutorial for Beginners with Questions PDF Download - 39

MCQ 191:

In C language, a type of error in which a very small computational result represented as zero is called

  1. Cancellation error
  2. Arithmetic overflow
  3. Arithmetic underflow
  4. Representational error
MCQ 192:

Using C functions, the correct mathematical expression of √(u+v) * w2 is

  1. sqrt((u+v)*pow(w,2)
  2. sqrt((u+v)*exp(w)
  3. (sqrt(u)+sqrt(v))*pow(w,2)
  4. (sqrt(u)+sqrt(v))*exp(w)
MCQ 193:

In C language, the correct normal decimal notation for 123.45e +3 is

  1. 12345
  2. 12345000
  3. 1234500
  4. 123450
MCQ 194:

Using American Standard Code Information Interchange (ASCII) standard character set, the output of the following code is for (chr = (int) 'd'; chr < (int) 'n'; chr += 3)
printf("%c\n", (char)chr);

  1. mjgd
  2. mdjg
  3. dmgj
  4. dgjm
MCQ 195:

The output of statement printf("Three values of x are %4d*%5d*%d\n",x,x,x); where x=345 is

  1. 345.0*345*345
  2. 345*345*345
  3. 345* 345*345
  4. 345* 345*345

Career Tests: C Language Course Prep

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