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Computer Fundamentals Short Questions and Answers PDF

The e-Book Computer Fundamentals Short Questions and Answers, Android Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) PDF download to learn free android online courses. Solve Loop Design Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Android quiz answers PDF for online computer engineering classes. The Computer Fundamentals Short Questions and Answers App Download: Free learning app for learning c language with interactive questions and answers, introduction to computer questions and answers, c programming practice exercises with answers test prep for top computer science schools in the world.

The MCQ: Output of the following part of program is product =1;
printf("Enter %d to quit \n", SENVAL);
printf("Enter first number>");
while (dat != SENVAL)
{ product *=dat;
printf("next number> ");
; "Computer Fundamentals Short Questions and Answers" App Download (Free) with answers compute sum of list of numbers until the sentinel word senval is entered, compute product of list of numbers until the sentinel word senval is entered, compute average of list of numbers until the sentinel word senval is entered and compute product of list of numbers for online computer engineering classes. Practice computer fundamentals short questions and answers quiz questions, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for CS major.

Android MCQs: Computer Fundamentals Short Questions and Answers PDF Download

MCQ 1: The output of the following part of program is product =1;
printf("Enter %d to quit \n", SENVAL);
printf("Enter first number>");
while (dat != SENVAL)
{ product *=dat;
printf("next number> ");

  1. Compute sum of list of numbers until the sentinel word SENVAL is entered
  2. Compute product of list of numbers until the sentinel word SENVAL is entered
  3. Compute average of list of numbers until the sentinel word SENVAL is entered
  4. Compute product of list of numbers

MCQ 2: The output of the following part of program is do{
printf("positive number <10>");
}while(num<1 || num>=10);

  1. Repeatedly asks for number until user enter a number less then 1
  2. Repeatedly asks for number until user enter a number greater then 10
  3. Repeatedly asks for number until user enter a number in the specified range
  4. Repeatedly asks for number until user enter a number greater then or equal to 10

MCQ 3: The output of the following statement is z= ++j * k--;

  1. Stores the product of j and k into z
  2. Stores the product of incremented value of j and k into z
  3. Stores the product of j and decremented value of k into z
  4. Stores the product of incremented value of j and decremented value of k into z

MCQ 4: The output of the following part of program is sum = 0;
status = fscanf (infil,"%d", &n);
while (status == 1){
{ sum+=n;
status= fscanf (infil,"%d", &n);

  1. Stores the sum of a list of numbers taken from a file. The sum is complete and store back to file when fscanf detects endfile character or inaccurate data.
  2. Stores the sum of a list of numbers taken from a file. The sum is complete when fscanf detects endfile character.
  3. Stores the sum of a list of numbers taken from a file. The sum is complete when fscanf detects inaccurate data.
  4. Stores the sum of a list of numbers taken from a file. The sum is complete when fscanf detects endfile character or inaccurate data.

MCQ 5: The output of the following statement is ans*= a-b

  1. Stores the product of ans and a-b into ans
  2. Stores the value of a-b into ans
  3. Calculates the product of ans and a-b
  4. Stores the product of ans and a-b into a

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