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Test Your C Skills with FAQs PDF

The Test Your C Skills with FAQs (Android MCQ PDF e-Book) download to study android online courses. Practice String Library Functions: Assignment and Substrings Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs), Android quiz answers PDF to study online certification courses. The Test Your C Skills with FAQs App Download: Free learning app for learning c language with interactive questions and answers, introduction to computer questions and answers, c programming practice exercises with answers test prep for BSc computer science.

The MCQ: Using C language compiler, strlen(a_string); "Test Your C Skills with FAQs" App Download (Free) with answers: Return total number of integers in the string excluding null character; Return total number of integers in the string excluding null character; Return total number of characters in the string including null character; Return total number of characters in the string excluding null character; to study online certification courses. Study Test Your C Skills with FAQs FAQs, download Google eBook (Free Sample) for online computer science schools.

Android MCQs: Test Your C Skills with FAQs PDF Download

MCQ 1:

Using C language compiler, the strlen(a_string)

  1. Return total number of integers in the string excluding null character
  2. Return total number of integers in the string excluding null character
  3. Return total number of characters in the string including null character
  4. Return total number of characters in the string excluding null character
MCQ 2:

islower function is define in the header file of

  1. string
  2. Ctype
  3. stdlib
  4. User-defined
MCQ 3:

In C language, the formal parameter of any length can be represent as

  1. char str[20]
  2. string str[20]
  3. char str[]
  4. string str[]
MCQ 4:

The output parameter data type for isalpha function is

  1. int
  2. double
  3. float
  4. char *
MCQ 5:

With C language compiler, char str[100] reserves space for

  1. An integer array up to 99 characters
  2. An integer array up to 100 characters
  3. A string up to 99 characters
  4. A string up to 100 characters

Practice Tests: Android Exam Prep

Test Your C Skills with FAQs Textbook App: Free Download iOS & Android

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Test Your C Skills with FAQs App (Android & iOS)

Test Your C Skills with FAQs App (Android & iOS)

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