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Engineering Physics Practice Test 66

Degree of Freedom MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions) PDF Download - 66

The Degree of Freedom Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answers PDF (Degree of Freedom MCQs PDF e-Book) download Ch. 17-66 to solve Engineering Physics Practice Tests. Study Kinetic Energy quiz answers PDF, Degree of Freedom Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ Quiz) for online school programs. The Degree of Freedom MCQs App Download: Free educational app for relationship with constant angular acceleration, pressure, introduction to second law of thermodynamics, speed of sound, degree of freedom test prep for college entrance test.

The MCQ Quiz: Which of the following gas molecule has 3 degrees of freedom; "Degree of Freedom" App (Android & iOS) with answers: Diatomic; Monoatomic; Polyatomic; Triatomic; for online school programs. Practice Kinetic Energy Questions and Answers, Google eBook to download free sample for university entrance exam.

Degree of Freedom MCQ with Answers PDF Download: Quiz 66

MCQ 326:

Which of the following gas molecule has 3 degrees of freedom?

  1. Monoatomic
  2. Diatomic
  3. Polyatomic
  4. Triatomic
MCQ 327:

Speed of Aluminium at 0°C is

  1. 6420 m/s
  2. 5941 m/s
  3. 6000 m/s
  4. 1522 m/s
MCQ 328:

If process occurs in a closed system, entropy of the system will remain constant for

  1. random process
  2. irreversible process
  3. reversible process
  4. linear process
MCQ 329:

Best laboratory vacuum has pressure of

  1. 1x105 Pa
  2. 1.6x104 Pa
  3. 1x10-12 Pa
  4. 2x105 Pa
MCQ 330:

If x is the displacement, v is the velocity and a is acceleration at time t, then v2=

  1. vo2+ax
  2. vo2+2ax
  3. vo2+2a(x-xo)
  4. vo3`+2a(x-xo)

Engineering Physics Exam Prep Tests

Degree of Freedom Textbook App: Free Download (iOS & Android)

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Degree of Freedom App (Android & iOS)

Degree of Freedom App (Android & iOS)

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